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English Learner (EL) Reclassification Process

Reclassification Policy

The Merced Union High School District has adopted a reclassification process to enable students initially identified as English Learners to exit specialized program services and participate without further language assistance as Fluent English Proficient students. English Learners shall be designated as Reclassified Fluent-English Proficient (R-FEP) when they have acquired the English language skills necessary to receive instruction and achieve academic progress in English only, at a level equivalent to students of the same age or grade whose primary language is English.

The reclassification criteria include multiple measures to ensure both proficiency in the English language and participation equal to that of average native speakers in the school’s regular instructional program. The reclassification criteria validate each student’s readiness to exit from specialized English Learner programs by demonstrating achievement and mastery of grade-appropriate standards in the following areas:

  1. English language proficiency, including listening, speaking, reading and writing
  2. Academic achievement
  3. Parent Consultation


Criteria for Reclassification

1. Overall ELPAC score:

Level 4

2. ELPAC Oral Language

Level 4

3. ELPAC Written Language Level 4
4. HMH ELA Assessment Score or CAASPP Practice Test Score

Above "Standard Not Met"

5. Grades:

“C-” or better in English and social studies courses in one of the last two semesters.


Steps to Reclassification

Anyone may recommend a student for reclassification at any time. The counselor will gather appropriate documentation according to the following steps and make a recommendation to the designated administrative staff member based on a review of the student data.

  1. The counselor, classroom teacher, a parent, and associate principal of guidance make a recommendation that a student be evaluated for possible reclassification at any time during the school year.
  2. The counselor gathers documentation.
  3. The counselor will make arrangements to consult with the parents to review the student’s progress and the reclassification criteria. During the meeting, the student’s progress will be discussed as well as the recommendation to designate the student to Reclassified Fluent English Proficient (R-FEP). If the parent is unable to come to the school, a person speaking the parent’s primary language will consult with the parent on the telephone and document this conversation on the Reclassification Form (see Appendix, Reclassification Form). An administrator makes the final approval.
  4. If a student is reclassified, the student’s designation to R-FEP will be noted in AERIES, along with the date of reclassification.
  5. A reclassified student may be placed in regular courses at the time of reclassification or at the next natural break in instruction (i.e., beginning of the next semester).
  6. The counselor is responsible for follow-up and monitoring the student’s progress.


Monitoring of R-FEP Students

Students who have been reclassified as R-FEP receive follow-up monitoring for a minimum of 24 months after reclassification. Each counselor accesses data in the student information system (AERIES) of R-FEP students for the purpose of monitoring their subsequent academic progress. Reclassified students having difficulty in the core curriculum will have access to the support services offered at the site to all students who are not meeting standards. Those support services are outlined in the School Site Plan and will be reviewed with parents/guardians at the time of the reclassification consultation.

If the student is not making progress in any academic class, the counselor will meet with the student and may recommend any or all of the following interventions:

  • Student/teacher/parent conference
  • Tutoring or other extended day academic support program
  • Placement in a reading, writing or math support class
  • Summer school

Site and district administration examine the progress of individual English Learners and Reclassified Fluent English Proficient students annually along with data on the progress of all students as part of the process of evaluating the overall effectiveness of the English Learner program in terms of student learning.

Revised 7-28-16 DG