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Facilities Requests

Facilities Requests

The Merced Union High School District is pleased to offer its facilities for use by community organizations. Please contact the site(s) directly using the information below.


Site Contact Phone Number
Atwater High School Tim Labendeira 209-325-1263
Buhach Colony High School Leon Miles 209-325-1463
East Campus Educational Center Diana Felix 209-325-1602
El Capitan High School Jaqueline Smith 209-384-5590
Golden Valley High School Andrea Vasquez 209-325-1863
Livingston High School Mandie Onate 209-325-2663
Merced High School Christine Bubenchik 209-325-1063


We have seven locations that the district rents to outside organizations and groups. Please remember facilities requests are on a first-come-first-served basis, so get your requests in early for your events.